
Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 Announcements - press release

WHAT:  Sesquicentennial Celebration of Oregon
WHERE:  Umpqua Discovery Center, 409 Riverfront Way, Reedsport
WHO:  Umpqua Discovery Center 
Contact: 541-271-4816
Children 6-15—$1
UDC members free
As a part of the sesquicentennial celebration of Oregon, the Discovery Center is presenting a series of programs investigating the history of the area. Each of these programs is in a seminar format, encouraging the audience to participate.

June 18 -  Oral Histories III
June 25 -  Secrets of the Oregon Dunes - Dina Pavlis (booksigning)
July 16 -  Life Saving Station
August 20 -  Shipwrecks
September 17 -  Jed Smith
October 7 (Wed) -  Stitched Patches: Quilts of Celebration -  Mary Bywater Cross (booksigning)
November 19 -  Umpqua Lighthouse
December 17 -  Schools on the River
WHAT:  Reedsport Community Charter School Board members wanted
WHEN:     Completed applications are due on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 19
WHO:  Reedsport School District Board of Directors
Contact: Ike Launstein, Superintendent at or 271-3656 Extension 106
Reedsport School District Board of Directors is seeking applicants to serve on the Reedsport Community Charter School Board. The school district has received a federal grant to support efforts to establish the Reedsport Community Charter School with a new focus on improving the education program of the Reedsport Junior/Senior High School.
The Charter School Board will be composed of the building administrator, a school board member, two teachers, 3 community members, and two students. Charter School Board members will be asked to meet regularly and set direction for the charter school.
Attendance at regular monthly board meetings and periodic special meetings is an expectation of Charter School Board members.
Charter Board application materials are available at Reedsport Junior/Senior High School, Highland Elementary School, the District Administrative Office, and online at Completed applications are due on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 19, to the District Administrative Office at 100 Ranch Road in Reedsport. The School Board is planning to make appointments at the regular June Board meeting. For further information contact Ike Launstein, Superintendent at or 271-3656 Extension 106.
WHAT:  Churches close their doors again
WHERE:  Pacific Auditorium
WHEN:     Sunday May 31st @ 10:30 am
Contact persons: Pastor Terry Plotz, 271-4414 or Pastor Allen Chaney, 271-3928
Everyone is invited to attend a community wide worship service Sunday May 31st as ten Reedsport churches gather at Pacific Auditorium. The 10:30 am service will feature lots of music from a combined worship team, times of prayer for our city, and a message from Pastor Allen Cheney of Reedsport Church of God.
LUMA is known for its benevolence support for families and its Thanksgiving and Easter services but this event is different. "It is a challenge to get churches to forego their regular services to gather together on a Sunday," states Pastor Terry Plotz, chairman of Reedsport's Lower Umpqua Ministerial Association. "Last year's service brought nearly 400 people together and everyone was thrilled. This year is extra special because our service falls on Pentecost Sunday, the historical day related to the founding of the Christian Church,"
Though there are different worship styles and traditions the churches will be gathering to share their common hope in Jesus Christ. Many area Pastors will be involved in the program; praying, leading readings and helping out where needed.
Following the service, participants will gather in the High School Cafeteria for a massive potluck lunch. "Last years meal was amazing," Pastor Plotz shared. "Church folks make some great food. This will be a great time for the 'Church' in Reedsport to come together!" For more information contact most any church in town or call 271-3928 or 271-4414.
There are three places to view community events online:    Click on the Community Calendar link
If you have an announcement of interest to the general Coastal Douglas Community, and would like it to go out to this list, please include the following information and please use the format included below:
WHAT:  (The name of your event)
WHERE:  (the name of the location and the address)
WHEN:     Day of the week, Date, Time
WHO:  (what group or individuals are sponsoring the event)
Contact: (who should be contacted for further information)
Include a story telling people about your event.
I do not write the press releases that are sent out - if you have questions about them, please contact the person listed as the contact for that event.
Please write "press release" in the subject line and send your information by Thursday afternoon to (jamieswafford If my yahoo email address does not work for you - please try (pressrelease97467  please remove the space - it's to discourage s p a m harvesters.
I send the announcement out once a week - Thursday night - to meet the press deadlines.  It's to your benefit to send the information out at least two weeks prior to your event.
Please send your information to me in a format that can be copy/pasted - please do NOT send pdf versions of your information or flyers.
If you wish to be removed from this list - please hit "reply" with "Remove from Press Release List" in the subject line.
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(jamieswafford with "Add to Press Release List" in the subject line.
There is no such thing as can't, only won't. If you're qualified, all it takes is a burning desire to accomplish, to make a change. Go forward, go backward. Whatever it takes! But you can't blame other people or society in general. It all comes from your mind. When we do the impossible we realize we are special people.  -  Jan Ashford
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.  -  Unknown
Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true. - Napoleon Hill