
Thursday, April 15, 2010

5 Announcement - press release

WHAT:  $500.00 "Spring Fling" Cash Raffle
WHERE:  Winning Name will be drawn at the Jack Blum Memorial Track Meet
WHEN:     Friday April 30th  **Need not be present to win**
WHO:  Proceeds benefit RHS "Project Graduation"
Contact: Susan Huebner at 271-5819
It's not too late to purchase your Project Graduation raffle tickets!!!  Tickets are $5.00 each, or 5 for $20.00, and give you the chance to win $500.00!!!   Help support the high school senior's drug/alcohol free post-graduation all night party!!!  For tickets, contact Susan Huebner at 271-5819 no later than April 25th.  Thanks for supporting our does indeed take a village.
WHAT: Southern Oregon Coast wins big at the Governor's Conference on Tourism
WHERE: Governors Conference on Tourism
WHEN:  April 12
WHO:  Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Robin Dollar
Southern Oregon Coast wins big at the Governor's Conference on Tourism
South Coast, OR -  The Southern Oregon Coast Partnership received one of the industry's highest honors at the Oregon Governor's Conference on Tourism on Sunday evening when the Oregon Tourism Commission (dba Travel Oregon) presented them with the  prestigious Oregon Tourism & Hospitality Exceptional Partnership Award.
The Southern Oregon Partnership consists of Destination Marketing Organization's (DMO's) from Brookings to Reedsport. The Partnership was formed last year and started out with a bang by receiving a $10,000 matching grant from Travel Oregon to assist with a multi-faceted promotional campaign. Their marketing efforts included traditional media along with a new website, facebook page, and blog postings. According to Robin Dollar, Manager of the Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce, "This partnership is about more than just advertising, it is about working together to benefit our entire coastal region and recognizing that together we are stronger than we are individually. We're all extremely excited and grateful that Travel Oregon found it award worthy."
The Partnership Award from Travel Oregon recognizes a group of Oregon tourism and hospitality industry organizations which have collaborated to create and promote a successful tourism program, promotion, or product which is more successful than any single entity could have produced alone.
The DMO's included in the partnership are Brookings-Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Gold Beach Promotions & Visitor Center, Port Orford & North Curry County Chamber of Commerce, Bandon Chamber of Commerce, Coos Bay – North Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau, Lakeside Chamber of Commerce and the Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce.
Another big winner for the South Coast was Bandon Dunes Golf Resort. They were honored with the Oregon Sustainable Tourism Leadership Award. The sustainability award recognizes an individual's outstanding leadership, stewardship, and socially responsible practices as demonstrated by a strong commitment to decreasing the environmental impact of the tourism and hospitality industry.
WHAT:  Extras added to Pops Concert as orchestra closes ninth season
WHERE:  Pacific Auditorium, located at Reedsport High School
WHEN:    Sunday, May 16 at 2 P.M.
WHO:  Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra (OCCO)
Contact:  WWW.OCCO.WS , or call OCCO at 541-997-6770

A pre-concert talk and combo jazz are additional bonuses in the Spring Pops concert of the Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra (OCCO). Singer Denise Dee, trumpeter Ron Green and selections by Florence composers Charles Perkins and Robin DeVour are featured in the program. The Reedsport concert is a matinee on Sunday, May 16 at 2 P.M. in the Pacific Auditorium. The special two-for-one "early-bird" ticket price is again being offered. A General Admission ticket ($10.00) admits two persons. Tickets are currently available at the Reedsport branch of Umpqua Bank. The ticket price on the day of the event will be $10.00 per person.

A half hour before concert start time, DeVour will speak briefly about the music to be presented. Furthermore, in the lobby at intermission, a combo of Dee, Green and a rhythm section of pianist DeVour, bassist Ken Mace and drummer Mike Swain will play a short set.

The concert itself contains a variety of light music, including two originals by Perkins and DeVour's Latin Suite, a group of five Latin-American dances. Three of Perkins' arrangements are also on tap in the second half of the program. Two of them are arranged as vocals for Dee with Green improvising on trumpet.

Conductors for this concert are DeVour, Steve Conaton, John Monks and John Dodge. Concertmaster of OCCO is Barbara Wilcox.

Get your "early-bird" tickets while they last at Umpqua Bank. To get more information about this event, visit the orchestra's website, WWW.OCCO.WS , or call OCCO at 541-997-6770.
What: Coast Toasties to Compete in Divisional Contests
When: April 24, 2010
Where: Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue Station, Florence, OR
Who: Coast Toasties-Reedsport Toastmasters Club
Contact: Theresa Hart 541-662-0639
Coast Toasties standouts Kent Abendroth and Ike Launstein will compete at the Toastmasters' Divisional contests in Florence on April 24.
The public is invited to attend this event hosted by Area 34 Governor James Perry at the Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue Station located at the corner of Highway 101 and 26th  Avenue at 10am. Refreshments will be served during a question and answer session with the competitors immediately following the contests.
Abendroth, who won the Area 34 International Speech Contest, will compete against several winners from clubs throughout the district with his speech 'Mrs. Murrow.'
Launstein will compete in the Evaluation Contest against several district opponents. He will be judged on his ability to give supportive feedback during a three to five minute evaluation of a test speech given by a member of Florence's Tail Spinners club.
For more information about the Central Division Contests or to learn more about Toastmasters, contact Linda Murray-Stange at 541-759-2055.
What: Boater Surveys and Letters regarding the Umpqua River Lighthouse
When: April 25, 2010
Where: Umpqua River Lighthouse, Winchester Bay
Who: Lower Umpqua Economic Development Forum
Contact: Theresa Hart 541-662-0639
A grassroots campaign to save the Fresnel lens at the Umpqua River Lighthouse has requested that the community make their voices heard by submitting boater surveys and letters to the U.S. Coast Guard in Seattle, Washington.

Advocate Sherri Elliott of the Copy Cat is offering to fax boater surveys  and comments regarding the Coast Guard's Waterways Analysis and Management System study before the deadline of the end of tomorrow, Friday April 16.

Boaters are encouraged to pick up the survey at the Copy Cat, Umpqua Bank, Salmon Harbor Marina or K-DUNE Radio. Completed surveys may be faxed to 206-220-7265 before 5pm on Friday, April 16. These surveys may also be faxed from the Copy Cat for free on the same date before 3pm.

Letters of concern about why the light ought to be maintained at its current location may also be submitted via fax to ENS Daniel Park, USCG in Seattle and either fax it to him at 206-220-7283 or email at . They may also be faxed at the Copy Cat for free as listed above.

A previous survey completed in 2009 by recreational and commercial boaters will not impact the results of the current survey offered by the Coast Guard. It has been alleged that the previous surveys have been lost. The summary report, which can be obtained by submitting a Freedom of Information Act request, noted that the light was not used as a primary aid to navigation to the majority of boaters in the Pacific Ocean off Winchester Bay.

According to Elliott, the lens is a "treasure we have with the only operational beacon of its kind located in the United States and there         have been multiple efforts over the years to protect and 'partner' with the Federal Government to maintain and preserve this piece of our history."

The Lower Umpqua Economic Development Forum has joined in the effort to preserve the First Order Fresnel lens at the Umpqua River Lighthouse due to its economic and historical significance to Coastal Douglas County.  The Lighthouse and coastal museum receives 10,000 visitors each year. "The lighthouse and museum brings revenue sorely needed by local businesses through tourism. Tourism remains the number one economic driver in our community," said Theresa Hart chair of the Lower Umpqua Development Forum.

The non-profit organization is writing letters to Senator Ron Widen and State Representative Jeff Merkeley urging them to put pressure on the Coast Guard to preserve the light at the Umpqua River Lighthouse.
According to Elliott, Salmon Harbor Master sent letters and surveys to all moorage customers with the statement 'It is the position that the Umpqua Lighthouse and ALL existing navigational aids for the Umpqua River waterway are essential to mariners and should not be changed or modified.'

For more information about the aid to navigation at the Umpqua River Lighthouse, contact Sherri Elliott at 541-271-3512.
There are three places to view community events online:    Click on the Community Calendar link
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WHERE:  (the name of the location and the address)
WHEN:     Day of the week, Date, Time
WHO:  (what group or individuals are sponsoring the event)
Contact: (who should be contacted for further information)
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"If it were not for hopes, the heart would break."  -- Thomas Fuller
"Don't cry over things that were or things that aren't.  Enjoy what you have now to the fullest."  -- Barbara Bush