
Thursday, February 25, 2010

5 Announcements - press release

WHAT:        Writing Memories Workshop
WHERE:     United Presbyterian Church, 2360 Longwood Drive
Reedsport, OR  97467
WHEN:       Last Sunday – February 28th - 12:45 pm
Contact:      Susan Stevens at 271-3214
Writing Memories Workshop II

Join the second gathering of people interested in writing memories of family and experiences.  The first session was held in January, but anyone can join the discussion at any time.  The group decided to share a recollection of parents in February.  Join the discussion by attending this informal workshop at the United Presbyterian Church, 2360 Longwood Drive, Reedsport, OR on the last Sunday of the month at 12:45 p.m. 
WHAT:           First Friday . . . Art is for Everyone
WHERE:        Family Resource Center, 5 St. John's Way, Reedsport, OR  97467
WHEN:           First Friday – March 5th - 5-7 pm
WHO:             Coastal Douglas Arts & Business Alliance (CDABA)
Contact:         Theresa Chickering at 271-4068
Not Your Grandmother's Quilt
The Quilt Art that is the subject of the First Friday . . . Art for Everyone on Friday, March 5th is not your Grandmother's quilt.  The Quilt Art to be displayed are modern and contemporary pieces of art and are often used as wall hangings.
The First Friday will be held March 5th between 5-7 pm.  March's event will be held at the Family Resource Center, 5 St. John's Way, Reedsport (off of Ranch Road, across from the cemetery).
The Quilt Art event is hosted by Theresa Chickering and will include the Quilt Art work of Theresa Chickering, Billie Shannon, Michelle Petrofes and possibly others.  Please contact Theresa if you would like more information 271-4608.
The First and Third Friday are events are FREE events sponsored by the Coastal Douglas Arts & Business Alliance.  First Friday . . . Art is for Everyone events are showcasing a different gallery each month (future dates are April 2nd (Tsunami Gallery, Gardiner), May 7th (Reedsport Natural Food Store), June 4th, July 2nd, August 6th, September 3rd, October 1st, November 5th, and December 3rd),  while the Third Friday—Artist Showcase events showcase a monthly featured artist (future dates are April 2nd, May 7th, June 4th, July 2nd, August 6th, September 3rd, October 1st, November 5th, and December 3rd) and are always held at the Reedsport Natural Food Store.
What: Coast Toasties Club Member of the Year Awarded & Upcoming Events
When: February 18, 2010
Where: Reedsport School District Office,  100 Ranch Road, Reedsport, OR
Who: Coast Toasties-Reedsport Toastmasters Club
Contact: Theresa Hart 541-662-0639
Club member of the year award was presented to the wife of deceased member Dean May at a recent Coast Toasties meeting. May was acknowledged for becoming the first member of the Reedsport club to complete the 'Competent Communicator' Toastmaster's manual and for the dedication and humor that he brought to the club.
The award for 2009 was presented by Coast Toastie's president Linda Murray-Stange, who spoke of Dean's contribution. "Dean brought much humor to the club in his speeches and Table Topics questions. We really miss him." Yvonne May said of her late husband, "Dean would have been honored to receive this award. He enjoyed Toastmasters very much."
Table Topics is a weekly exercise that helps club members to speak extemporaneously. The task of Table Topics Master rotates around to different club members each week. Dean, who passed away late last year, had mastered the skill of asking questions that were both thought provoking and fun.
In different news, the public is invited to attend the Coast Toasties club's International Speech Competition on March 4 at 6:30pm at the School District office located on Ranch Road in Reedsport. Bryce Pointer, Kent Abendroth, Steve Reese and Amy Olson will compete for the opportunity to represent the Coast Toasties in the Area 34 Toastmasters International Contest in Florence on March 24.
The Coast Toasties will also host a club Evaluation Contest on March 11 at 6:30pm in which club members will be judged on their skills to evaluate speeches. A 5-7 minute 'test' speech from any Toastmasters training manual will be given by a non-contestant. The public is invited to the Reedsport School District office to attend this competition involving club members Ike Launstein, Sandra Reese and Theresa Hart. These contestants will test their evaluation skills while competing for the opportunity to represent their club in the Area 34 contest in Florence also on March 24.
Those interested in learning more about how to improve their communication skills are invited to attend the Coast Toasties' weekly meetings each Thursday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at the Reedsport School District Office at 100 Ranch Road.
For more information about the competitions or Toastmasters, contact Linda Murray-Stange at 541-759-2055.

What:  St. Patrick's Day Trivia Challenge "Pub Crawl"
When:  Wednesday, March 17th  5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Where: Meet at the Reedsport Branch Library at 5:30. 
From there you will be visiting the following downtown establishments to answer questions: The Landing, Tide's Inn, Eagles Lodge, Moose Lodge and everyone will end the evening at the Waterfront.

Benefits go to the Reedsport Branch Library Renovation project.
Gather your team together!  Challenge another team!  Teams are encouraged to gather donations for the Library Renovation Fund and bring them along to the event on the 17th.  The "pubs" have generously agreed to donate 10% of their sales between 6 and 8 pm that evening to the Library Renovation fund as well.  So plan to eat some supper and drink a green beer at one of the establishments. 

The cost of Registration is $20 for a team of 4, $5 for each additional team member (Team membership unlimited)  Must be 21 or over to participate.  Registration forms are being handed out by Fundraising board members and can also be picked up at the Reedsport Branch Library. 
Deadline for registration is 5:00 on the evening of the 17th.  Please deliver completed forms to either Mindpower Gallery or to Steve Miller's office. 

Prizes will be awarded for the team that answers the most questions correctly, best dressed team (in St. Patrick's Day garb), and the team who raises the most donations. 
If you are interested in ordering St. Patrick's Day accessories to help dress the part that night, we are placing an order for hats, boas, necklaces, sunglasses, etc....please get those orders to us NO LATER than Wednesday, March 3rd. 
If you have further questions, please call Jennifer Tymchuk at 271-4670.
WHAT:  annual Great Afternoons Wine Tour
WHERE:  The bus will leave from either Circle Drive at RHS or from Highland
WHEN:  Saturday, May 15, 2010  8 am to 5 pm
WHO:  Great Afternoons
Contact: Judy
 That is the date of our annual Great Afternoons Wine Tour
 You will want to join this fun filled day.  We will be touring the Umpqua Valley Wineries but I've changed it up a bit.  We will tour 3 new wineries and 2 that we have been to before that everyone enjoys.   The Umpqua wineries are one of the few that allow us to tour without charging us and also provide numerous wines to taste and pair the wines with horsd'oeuvres.  They are very welcoming and really look forward to our tour.
Tickets will be available next week and can be purchased from Delaine at the Resource Center or from me.  Tickets are $50.00 each.  Lunch is provided.  Also games, prizes, and raffle gifts.  Make checks payable to Great Afternoons.
We will be taking the Braves bus.  It is a bit more comfortable and has lots of storage.  The bus will leave from either Circle Drive at RHS or from Highland.  It will be on the ticket.  Bus leaves at 8am and returns about 5pm. 
There are three places to view community events online:    Click on the Community Calendar link
If you have an announcement of interest to the general Coastal Douglas Community, and would like it to go out to this list, please include the following information and please use the format included below:
WHAT:  (The name of your event)
WHERE:  (the name of the location and the address)
WHEN:     Day of the week, Date, Time
WHO:  (what group or individuals are sponsoring the event)
Contact: (who should be contacted for further information)
Include a story telling people about your event.
I do not write the press releases that are sent out - if you have questions about them, please contact the person listed as the contact for that event.
Please write "press release" in the subject line and send your information by Thursday afternoon to (jamieswafford If my yahoo email address does not work for you - please try (pressrelease97467  please remove the space - it's to discourage s p a m harvesters.
I send the announcement out once a week - Thursday night - to meet the press deadlines.  It's to your benefit to send the information out at least two weeks prior to your event.
Please send your information in an email that can be copy/pasted - please do NOT send attachments or pdf versions of your information or flyers.
If you wish to be removed from this list - please hit "reply" with "Remove from Press Release List" in the subject line.
If you know someone who is not receiving this list and would like to be included - please ask them to send a message to
(jamieswafford with "Add to Press Release List" in the subject line.

"We cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Andre' Gide

"Most of us are about as happy as we make up our minds to be."  - Abe Lincoln