
Thursday, January 14, 2010

3 Announcements - press release

 Who:    Sisterhood-cancer support group for women
Where:  Reedsport Coffeehouse, 2285 Longwood Drive, Reedsport
When:   Thursday, January 21, 7 P.M.
             This group is open to all women experiencing or surviving cancer.
Contact: Lisa Hitchcock 271-5495; Ginger Anderson 271-3802; Karen Tibbles 271-5588
What:  Spaghetti Feed at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
 Saturday, January 16th from 2 p.m.-6 p.m.
Price: $6 for adults, $4 for children under 5, $20 for a family of 4 or more
Dinner consists of spaghetti and meat sauce, salad, garlic bread, cookies, and lemonade or coffee

This is a benefit for the youth of our church who are raising money to attend a National Youth Gathering in Louisiana in July.  Let our youth treat you and your family to a delicious late lunch/dinner!

WHAT:  Principal clarinetist to solo in Reedsport concert
WHERE:  Pacific Auditorium, located at Reedsport High School
WHEN:    Sunday, February 21st  at 2 pm
WHO:  Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra (OCCO)
Clarinetist, Rebecah Pulsifer will be among the four members of the Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra (OCCO) featured in the winter 2010 concert. The "Celebrating our own" program will be on Sunday, February 21st  at 2 pm in the Pacific Auditorium at Reedsport High School and will feature four of OCCO's principal players..
Early bird tickets for the matinee concert are $10, which admits two persons, and are on sale at the Reedsport Branch of Umpqua Bank.  Tickets will be $10 each at the door.
In addition to Pulsifer, who will be heard in the first movement of the Mozart concerto for clarinet K 622, soloists will include Nate Helgeson, principal bassoonist in a performance of the Devienne concerto for bassoon and orchestra.  Also playing in this program will be principal violist, Kate Rogers (William Alwyn, Pastoral fantasy for viola and strings).  "On the death of a friend", a composition by OCCO's oldest member, Wilke Renwick, will begin the second half of the program.  Other works on the concert include selections by Saint Saens, Johann Strauss SR., Tchaikovsky, and Waldteufel. 
Pulsifer is a graduate of Western Michigan University, where she earned degrees in Clarinet Performance and English. While at Western Michigan, she served as principal clarinetist for the university orchestra and for the Kalamazoo Philharmonia. She was named a finalist for Western Michigan University's annual concerto competition in 2008 and was nominated to Pi Kappa Lambda; a national music honors society, in 2007. Since graduation, Pulsifer completed an internship with National Public Radio in Los Angeles and now works with low-income housing in Florence.
Take advantage of the special pricing and buy your tickets early.  For more details, visit  or call 541-997-6770.
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"If I had it to do all over again, I would be a plumber." Albert Einstein

"If you would be loved, love and be lovable." - Benjamin Franklin
"One ought, everyday, to hear a song, read a fine poem, and, if possible, to speak a few reasonable words." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe