
Thursday, October 22, 2009

5 Announcements - press release

WHAT:  Fall Book Sale at the Library
WHERE:  Reedsport Branch Library
WHEN:     Thursday Oct. 29 10am-6pm;
Friday Oct. 30 10am-6pm;
Saturday Oct. 31 10am-2pm
WHO:  The Friends of the Reedsport Branch Library

The Friends of the Reedsport Branch Library have scheduled their fall book sale at the library for October 29, 30, and 31.

The hours are Thursday Oct. 29 10am-6pm; Friday Oct. 30 10am-6pm; Saturday Oct. 31 10am-2pm

Hardback books are .50 and paperbacks are .25 or 5 for $1!  What a deal!  Saturday you can fill a paper bag for $2.

You all come!

WHAT:  Trick-or-treat at Hair 101
WHERE:  Hair 101 on Highway 101 in Reedsport
WHEN:     Friday, October 30th 9a.m.-5p.m.
WHO:  Staff will be dressed up like prisoners for the day.  We will be on lock down....
Contact: Kim Olson 271-3787
 Come into Hair 101 and get a free treat, sign up for our free drawings that will be held through out the day, and get a good laugh at Sharon, Melissa, Rachel, Megan, Pegggy and Kim.  All hair products will be 20% off, and don't forget, for every purchase of a bottle of shampoo, there is a dollar that is donated to our Hair 101 scholarship fund.
WHAT:           Coastal Douglas Has Talent!
WHO:             Rotary Club of Reedsport
WHEN:           November 7, 2009 at 6 p.m.
WHERE:        Pacific Auditorium at the Reedsport Jr./Sr. High School
Talent Show to Offer Real Variety
The Rotary Club of Reedsport is excited to announce that Coastal Douglas does indeed have Talent!  The Club's community talent show will have a wide diversity of talent acts.  Some community members will be singing, playing the piano, signing the words of a song, and others will be dancing.  Just to name a few of the acts.  The Talent Show is a fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Reedsport and all proceeds will go to support its community and service projects.  The Talent Show will be held at the Pacific Auditorium at the Reedsport Jr./Sr. High School on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 6 p.m.  Plan now to attend.  Tickets are $5 each and are available at the door.  They are also available now from every Rotarian, the Bank of America, KDUN Radio, Ocean Breeze Flowers & Gifts, Reedsport Coffeehouse, and the Umpqua Bank.  For more information call Kent Abendroth at 271-5386 or Kathleen Miller at 271-2101.
WHAT:  Lower Umpqua United Fund Drive
WHERE: throughout coastal Douglas County
WHEN:     Now
Contact: Delaine Humphreys, 271-9700 or a Lower Umpqua United Fund Board member--Judy Macho, Ethel Dibala, Mark Bedard, Noel Aasen, Rev. Wil Gehrke
 The Lower Umpqua United Fund, active in coastal Douglas County since 1958, is a local organization not affiliated any national organization. Its mission is to support efforts to improve the community's health and welfare. Local residents make up the local United Fund board that distributes funds in October that have been collected throughout the year. One hundred percent of Lower Umpqua United Fund contributions are distributed to worthwhile LOCAL programs; no administrative fees are deducted from contributions.
Contributions to the Lower Umpqua United Fund can be made in two ways. One is by monthly payroll deductions at work. See your payroll clerk if you are interested in starting a payroll deduction. Another way is by cash donations now or any other time during the year. Donations can be sent to the Lower Umpqua United Fund c/o Noel Aasen, Treasurer, 638 Evergreen Loop, Reedsport., or left at the Reedsport branches of Umpqua Bank or Bank of America, or taken to the Family Resource Center at 5 St. John's Way.
Make checks payable to Lower Umpqua United Fund. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

What: 48th Annual Holiday Bazaar Accepting Vendor Applications
          14th Annual Gingerbread House Contest
When: Friday, December 4th from 5-9 pm and Saturday, December 5th from 9am to 5pm
Where: Reedsport Community Building, Reedsport, Oregon
Contact: Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce
48th Annual Holiday Bazaar is accepting Applications
Attention fine Oregon crafters!  Sell your best handmade crafts at the 48th Annual Holiday Bazaar in Reedsport, Oregon December 4-5, 2009.  Display your wares at this juried crafts fair this holiday season.
This event will be held at the Reedsport Community Building, sponsored by the Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce.  Applications are available at the Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce office or call (541) 271-3495 and request an application or download an application from the Chamber's web-site
The 14th Annual Gingerbread House Contest will be held during the Holiday Bazaar.  There will be prizes for two age groups: 17 and younger, and 18 and older. Houses must be completely edible and delivered to the Reedsport Community Building no later than Saturday, December 5th before 10a.m.
There are three places to view community events online:    Click on the Community Calendar link
If you have an announcement of interest to the general Coastal Douglas Community, and would like it to go out to this list, please include the following information and please use the format included below:
WHAT:  (The name of your event)
WHERE:  (the name of the location and the address)
WHEN:     Day of the week, Date, Time
WHO:  (what group or individuals are sponsoring the event)
Contact: (who should be contacted for further information)
Include a story telling people about your event.
I do not write the press releases that are sent out - if you have questions about them, please contact the person listed as the contact for that event.
Please write "press release" in the subject line and send your information by Thursday afternoon to (jamieswafford If my yahoo email address does not work for you - please try (pressrelease97467  please remove the space - it's to discourage s p a m harvesters.
I send the announcement out once a week - Thursday night - to meet the press deadlines.  It's to your benefit to send the information out at least two weeks prior to your event.
Please send your information in an email that can be copy/pasted - please do NOT send attachments or pdf versions of your information or flyers.
If you wish to be removed from this list - please hit "reply" with "Remove from Press Release List" in the subject line.
If you know someone who is not receiving this list and would like to be included - please ask them to send a message to
(jamieswafford with "Add to Press Release List" in the subject line.

Getting the last word in doesn't always mean you won the argument...some people are just wise enough to know when to stop talking.

Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. -- Richard Evans