
Thursday, September 17, 2009

8 Announcements - press release

What: Park Celebration!
Where: James Barrone Park
When: Sunday, September 20th from 1-4 pm
Who: The Ford Family Foundation Cohort III Coastal Douglas
Help us celebrate!!
The Ford Family Foundation Cohort III would like to thank the entire community for their support and donations while we were raising funds to enhance James Barrone Park. We met our goal of raising $12k dollars in 6 months! We have purchased and installed many fun new items in the park and would like you to help us celebrate the completion! Come check out all of the new additions to the park!
At the celebration we will be offering FREE cold sweet treats, face painting, Jump House and Obstacle Course, & a FREE GIFT to the first 150 people! Come learn about the project and what went into it, and have some fun with us!
We would like to give special thanks to the following donors to the project:
The Ford Family Foundation
Rotary Club of Reedsport
Lower Umpqua United Fund
Dunes Family Health Care
Lewis Transportation
Cow Creek Indian Tribe
Bill Karcher
Thank you all! We could not have done it without each of you!
Don't miss out, bring your friends and family for a day of fun in the park!
WHAT:  Reedsport Junior/Senior High School Construction Open House
WHEN:    September 23, 2009, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
WHO:  Reedsport School District
The Reedsport School District Board of Directors and the staff of the Reedsport Junior/Senior High School invite the community to view the progress of the construction work on the facility. The open house is from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. on September 23, 2009. The work will be going on through the summer of 2010, but this is an opportunity to view the work completed to date. Completed at this time are the remodeled locker rooms, administration area, and classrooms facing Longwood Drive. In progress or yet to be completed is the roofing, heating system, science classrooms, the east/west hallway and various other details. The staff and district board is anxious for the community to view the work on this community facility.

WHAT:  Charter School Public Hearing
WHERE:  Pacific Auditorium
WHEN:     September 23 at 7:00 p.m.
WHO:  Reedsport School District

The Reedsport Community Charter School Board of Directors has created a plan for the operation of the grade 7 – 12 Reedsport Junior/Senior High School. On September 23 at 7:00 p.m. in Pacific Auditorium the charter school board will present the plan to the community with an opportunity for questions and answers. It is projected the school will begin operation as a charter school with the beginning of the second semester of the school year beginning on February 1, 2010. An open house viewing of the building construction progress will at 6:00 p.m preceding the community charter proposal meeting. The community is urged to attend both sessions.
WHAT:  Book Club:  "So what is a Kindle?"  (a wireless reading device)
WHERE:  Reedsport Public Library
WHEN:    Thursday, September 24th 4:00pm
WHO:  Book Club
Contact: Stan or Betty Bates   271-1655
Amazon's Kindel, a wireless reading device, will be the subject of the September monthly book club at the Reedsport Public Library.  This book tablet can hold up to 1,500 books with many magazines and newspaper options as well. Weighing only 10 ounces it can serve the travelers well  The book club commences its fall season and come along and join the meeting on Thursday, September 24 at 4:00pm and read some "pages".  We will also talk about the best books read over the summer.  For more information about the group call Stan or Betty Bates at 271-1655
WHAT:  Mindpower Gallery is Celebrating 20 years of Art
WHERE:  417 Fir Avenue, Reedsport, OR
WHEN:    Friday, September 25th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Contact: (541) 271-2485.
The Mindpower Gallery will celebrate it's 20th Anniversary in Reedsport on Friday, September 25th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Please stop by and celebrate the arts in Reedsport!  Special show by artists throughout the 20 years. Refreshments Served. For more information please call (541) 271-2485.
Mindpower Gallery is located at 417 Fir Ave. Reedsport, Or. on the corner of Hwy 38 and 4th street in downtown Reedsport. 


WHAT: Tsalila, The Umpqua River Festival
WHERE: Rainbow Plaza/Umpqua Discovery Center – Downtown Reedsport
WHEN: September 25-26
WHO:  Tsalila Partnership
Contact: Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce 800-247-2155
The 13th annual Tsalila (sa-Lee-la) Festival will take place in downtown Reedsport, at Rainbow Plaza and The Umpqua Discovery Center September 25th - 26th. Tsalila connects people, watersheds and salmon together through educational programs, Native American cultural activities/exhibits, food, arts and crafts, family games and "edutainment". The festival is FREE and will take place Friday, September 25th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm and Saturday the 26th from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Enjoy a traditional alder-smoked Salmon dinner on Friday and Saturday. Come and enjoy a festival that will be fun for the whole family.
Tsalila is made up of three educational days prior to the festival, Tuesday through Thursday when over 2,500 students from surrounding school districts grades 2nd through 5th participate in exhibits that focus on conservation education, Native American culture and other exhibits that encourage learning through fun, hands-on activities.
Friday and Saturday Rainbow Plaza will be filled with  exhibits including Life in the Air (live hawks and owls), Life at Night (bat display), Taking Flight (migration game activity), Pioneer Living Experience, and a historic logging crosscut demonstration. Visitors can walk through the Salmon Maze; listen to a story told by famous storytellers, Witness Native American activities where members of the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians recreate history, music entertainment. An alder-smoked Salmon Dinner will be open to the public on Friday and Saturday.
The Tsalila Festival started in 1996 with the goal of providing people with conservation and restoration education in order to stimulate an appreciation of salmon, the watersheds in which we live, and our cultural heritage.
The weekend festival is sponsored by the Tsalila Partnership, a unique coalition of community interests, local tribes, schools, government agencies, and non-profit organizations that work together toward the common goals of watershed restoration, education, and economic development. The Partnership is made up of the Bureau of Land Management, Coos Bay District, City of Reedsport, Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians, Reedsport School District, Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce, and Siuslaw National Forest.
Visitors may also explore the "Pathways to Discovery & Exploring Tidewater Country" exhibit at the Umpqua Discovery Center for half price. The exhibits designed and fabricated by WOW Arts & Exhibits creates a natural environment representing the Lower Umpqua Region. Visitors can journey through a series of linked ecosystems and participate in interactive activities.
WHO:  Rotary Club of Reedsport
WHEN:  Deadline to submit application – October 2, 2009
EVENT:  Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 6 p.m.
WHERE:  Pacific Auditorium, 2260 Longwood Drive, Reedsport
CONTACT:  Kent Abendroth at 541-271-5386 or Kathleen Miller at 541-271-2101
The deadline to apply to participate in the Rotary Club of Reedsport's talent show has been extended to October 2, 2009.  The Coastal Douglas Has Talent!—talent show—will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 6 p.m.  Applications to audition to perform in the talent show are available to be downloaded from the Lower Umpqua Hospital's Community Events Planning Calendar at or at locations in Reedsport, including the Copy Cat and KDUN Radio Station.  All types of talent are eligible to audition.  The event is open to both adults and children.  Applications must be received by October 2nd.  The Talent Show is a fundraising event for the Rotary Club of Reedsport and will support its community and service projects.  Admission tickets for the event are available in advance and at the door for $5.  The event will be held at 6 p.m. at the Pacific Auditorium, 2260 Longwood Drive, Reedsport, Oregon.  For more information contact Kent Abendroth at 541-271-5386.
WHAT:  Oregon 350 Climate Crisis Walk
WHERE:  Reedsport Branch Library, 395 Winchester, Reedsport
WHEN:     Thursday September 24 @ 7 p.m. 
WHO:, Oregon PeaceWorks and Oregon Interfaith Power and Light"
Climate Change Community Meeting
With greenhouse gases building up in our atmosphere, sea levels are expected to rise between 2 and 6 feet this century. One foot of rise can erode several hundred of feet of land! Come learn and share ideas about climate science, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a "safe" CO2 level, and how to prepare for a rising sea level.

In a campaign to build public awareness of the dangers of climate change, Salem resident Philip Carver will be walking 350 miles along the Oregon coast and the Columbia Estuary.

Beginning near Coos Bay on Sept 20, Carver and others will camp or stay with supporters along the way. They will hold local forums to encourage the public to act on this issue. Describing his motivation for the walk, Carver said "I follow climate science closely. I am becoming increasingly frightened about my grandchildren's future."

His effort is part of an international "350" campaign which takes its name from the parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere known to be safe. The planned arrival in Portland on Oct 24 will coincide with a downtown rally and other "350" activities around the world.

For more information on the Oregon 350 Climate Crisis Walk, contact Carver at (503) 562-9878 or email him at More information about the walk is available at
The Story
In a campaign to build public awareness of the dangers of climate change, a group of Oregonians will be walking 350 miles along the Oregon coast and the Columbia Estuary. Trekkers will begin on Sept. 20 at Sunset Bay State Park, near Coos Bay. They will finish in downtown Portland on Oct. 24. Event organizers hope the walk and scheduled talks will put pressure on local and national leaders to support worldwide greenhouse gas reductions.

Oregon event co-leader Phil Carver, a former analyst with the Oregon Department of Energy, said the trek's length of 350 miles is part of the message of the walk.

"350 parts per million (ppm) of CO2 in the air is the level we know to be safe," Carver said. "We passed that point in 1988."

Describing the connection between global warming, sea level rise and the impact on coastal towns, Carver said it is "unfortunately too late to avoid serious damage." But he and others hope the walk's timing will motivate people to press for changes in federal policies, which could lead to global action.
New policies will be proposed at a United Nations conference in Denmark in December.

"What we do in the next few decades will affect the planet for at least a millennium," Carver said. If nothing is done to reduce emissions, many scientists estimate sea level will rise 6 feet this century, eroding up to 600 feet of seashore in many places.

"In my job with state government, I was responsible for monitoring climate science until I retired in 2008, Carver said.

"Now is the time to stand up", he said. "I am not willing to gamble my grandchildren's future any longer." The walk is one of over 1,000 events around the world planned for October 24 by The idea to promote the 350 ppm limit was first developed by James Hansen, a NASA climate scientist, and Bill McKibben, author of End of Nature and Deep Economy. McKibben is giving a seminar in Portland on Friday Sept. 11. The seminar is sponsored by the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.
As they walk, Carver and fellow activists will meet with local residents at various events planned along the route. The first meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the Java Jones Coffee House and Art Gallery in Coos Bay (Empire) on Sept. 20. Organizers have discovered that their message has already hit home with many communities along Oregon's coast.

"Lincoln City is committed to doing its part to curb global warming," said Lincoln City Mayor Lori Hollingsworth. "We would like our neighboring communities to make the same commitment."
The walk is co-sponsored by Oregon PeaceWorks and Oregon Interfaith Power and
Light. It is endorsed by former Sec. of State Bill Bradbury and Lincoln City Mayor Lori Hollingsworth.
Science Notes
Recent research indicates that melting ice will likely raise sea level by 2 to 6 feet this century, depending on greenhouse gas emissions. Sea level rose at the rate of one foot per century since 1990 due to global warming.

Drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions are needed to limit the rise to 2 feet. These cuts are likely close to the maximum achievable. To avoid dangerous climate change the world needs to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 from the rate in 1990. Emissions need to be cut 90 percent by 2050. These cuts should bring the level of CO2 down to 350 ppm by the end of the century. If large cuts are not made in the next few decades, sea level will likely rise 6 feet or more per century for the rest of the millennium. James Hansen, a leading climate scientist, notes a 15 foot rise this century is plausible.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri is the U.N.'s top climate scientist. He leads the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which every five years produces the authoritative assessment of climate science. Their last report, in 2007, helped set the target of 450 ppm of CO2 that many environmental groups and national governments have adopted as their goal for the Copenhagen meeting this December.

He now supports the level of 350 ppm. The level of CO2 in the air this year is 389 ppm and rising 2 ppm per year.

"As chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) I cannot take a position because we do not make recommendations," said Rajendra Pachauri when asked if he supported calls to keep atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations below 350 ppm.

"But as a human being I am fully supportive of that goal. What is happening, and what is likely to happen, convinces me that the world must be really ambitious and very determined at moving toward a 350 target," he told Agence France Presse in an interview."

Even two feet of sea level rise this century will be a serious problem for most coastal communities. One foot of sea level rise can erode 100 feet of land. Two feet of rise would affect about 700 million people worldwide. A rise of three feet would permanently displace at least 15 million people in Bangladesh, 17 million in Vietnam and 72 million in China. Several island nations will disappear. Six feet per century would be disaster for nearly all coastal communities. 
For information on the global impacts of rising sea levels see:
For the most current synthesis of climate science see:
The discussion of sea level rise is on page 10.
For a more complete discussion of the science of sea level rise see:
For an assessment of the issues facing coastal Oregon see:
For a technical discussion on predicting sea level rise see:
For the technical basis for the 350 ppm limit see:
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WHEN:     Day of the week, Date, Time
WHO:  (what group or individuals are sponsoring the event)
Contact: (who should be contacted for further information)
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"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you." --Batman Begins
"You are asking me to be rational. That is something I know I cannot do. Believe me, I wish that I could just...wish away my feelings, but I can't." --Anakin Skywalker