
Thursday, August 27, 2009

3 announcements - press release

WHO:  Rotary Club of Reedsport
WHEN:  Deadline to submit application - October 2, 2009
REHEARSAL:  November 2nd at 6 p.m.
EVENT:  Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 6 p.m.
WHERE:  Pacific Auditorium, 2260 Longwood Drive, Reedsport
CONTACT:  Kathleen Miller at 541-271-2101
The Rotary Club of Reedsport is announcing its 2nd annual community talent show.  The Coastal Douglas Has Talent!—talent show—will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 6 p.m.  Applications to audition to perform in the talent show are available to be downloaded from the Lower Umpqua Hospital's Community Events Planning Calendar at or from Kathleen Miller.  All types of talent are eligible and everyone is encouraged to participate.  The event is open to both adults and children.  Applications must be received by October 2nd.  Participants must be available for rehearsal on Tuesday, November 2nd.  The Talent Show is a fundraising event for the Rotary Club of Reedsport and will support its community and service projects.  The event will be held at 6 p.m. at the Pacific Auditorium, 2260 Longwood Drive, Reedsport, Oregon.  For more information contact Kathleen Miller at or 541-271-2101.



WHAT: Kool Coastal Nights Classic Car Show Event
WHERE: Winchester Bay, Oregon
WHEN: August 28 and 29, 2009
Join the Kool Coastal Cruisers for their 17th annual  blow-out event, KOOL COASTAL NIGHTS in Winchester Bay on August 28 and 29. 
And don't miss PBA & the Hot Flashes playing under the big tent on Friday and Saturday night for a free street dance.
Find out more at:
WHAT:  Spaghetti Fund Raiser for our Schools
WHERE:  Evergreen Court, located on the campus of Baycrest Village.  451 O'Connell Street, North Bend, OR  97459
WHEN:  September 12th from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.  
Contact: Tammy Trost, 751-7658

Spaghetti Fund Raiser for our Schools
September 12th from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Evergreen Court, located on the campus of Baycrest Village.  451 O'Connell Street, North Bend, OR  97459
$5.00 per person:  Includes Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, cake and beverages! 
Evergreen Court, Independent Retirement will be hosting this fund raiser to help raise money for our local North Bend and Coos Bay Schools. 
School supply budgets have been cut in half this year.  Please help our local community children.  All proceeds will go directly to the schools.
Drop boxes are also available for school supplies at the following locations:
Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce
Evergreen Court, Independent Retirement
To obtain a school supply list, or for more information you may call Tammy Trost or Barbara Maisch at 541-756-4466.
There are three places to view community events online:    Click on the Community Calendar link
If you have an announcement of interest to the general Coastal Douglas Community, and would like it to go out to this list, please include the following information and please use the format included below:
WHAT:  (The name of your event)
WHERE:  (the name of the location and the address)
WHEN:     Day of the week, Date, Time
WHO:  (what group or individuals are sponsoring the event)
Contact: (who should be contacted for further information)
Include a story telling people about your event.
I do not write the press releases that are sent out - if you have questions about them, please contact the person listed as the contact for that event.
Please write "press release" in the subject line and send your information by Thursday afternoon to (jamieswafford If my yahoo email address does not work for you - please try (pressrelease97467  please remove the space - it's to discourage s p a m harvesters.
I send the announcement out once a week - Thursday night - to meet the press deadlines.  It's to your benefit to send the information out at least two weeks prior to your event.
Please send your information in an email that can be copy/pasted - please do NOT send attachments or pdf versions of your information or flyers.
If you wish to be removed from this list - please hit "reply" with "Remove from Press Release List" in the subject line.
If you know someone who is not receiving this list and would like to be included - please ask them to send a message to
(jamieswafford with "Add to Press Release List" in the subject line.

"Everything deep is also simple and can be reproduced simply as long as its reference to the whole truth is maintained. But what matters is not what is witty, but what is true."  -- Albert Schweitzer

"Of course it's hard, it's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard then everyone would do it. The hard is what makes you great."