
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Lake Marie, Clearing the Way

We started the Lake Marie shore line clean-up at 9:00 AM on Monday, May 18th. The South Coast Chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association, Oregon participants included OJ Cortez, His son Evan, Shane Sejera, Harold Ettelt, Joan Godin and Steve Godin. Radeena Lee, Park Manager, provided Park Volunteer assistance and equipment to haul the trimmings and debris to a remote location.

The objective of this project was to increase shoreline fishing access along Lake Marie. Timing was driven by Memorial Day visitors and Oregon Free Fishing Days (no Oregon Fishing License required), June 6th and 7th. Lake Marie is a beautiful lake surrounded by tall timber with easy access from the Umpqua Lighthouse State Park and roadway. It is stocked with trout periodically by ODF&W and will receive a fresh plant of trout, just prior to free fishing days.
We started on the East side of the beach and worked East. Much shoreline vegetation was removed, as well as considerable in water woody debris. Fishing access along the North East side of Lake Marie was increased by more than 150%! Large trees were not removed and there are some whoppers still in the water to get tangled up in. We did remove a considerable amount of fishing line and lead sinkers from the lake. Lucky volunteers got to keep some very well preserved fishing lures!

So, the South Coast Chapter, CCA, Oregon and Park Volunteers cleared the way. Everyone who has had a desire to try fishing young and old, should go to Lake Marie on Sunday, June 7th for a Free Fishing Day. ODF&W will be at the lake, along with Forestry Service, Gardiner, Reedsport, Winchester Bay STEP, and the South Coast Chapter to help you have a fantastic -time, enjoying the day and fishing.