
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Retirement for Jamie's L i s t

I'm sorry to report that, after almost 20 years, I am no longer able to send out the weekly e m ai l l i s t of happenings around our area because my e m a il h o sti ng company has decided that I am a s p a m e r. For the past five years it has become increasingly difficult to send out the weekly announcements - and some of you have probably not heard from me in a long time because your e m ai l hosting company decided that my messages were s p a m.
For those in the n e ws m e dia - who have published the information that has been sent your way - thank you so very much. You're the reason this l i s t existed.

For those who have advice to offer - thanks - but I've already tried it. And I am officially retired as of this week.
For those who want to send out their own l i s t s - best of luck - and no, I won't share my e m a i l list with anyone. I will ignore any messages making such a request.
Perhaps someone will start a fa ce bo ok page that people can follow.
Also - Carol and staff at the Family Resource Center keep a community calendar

For those who have events to be a d vert is ed - I will be sending out a separate message to anyone who has been sending me information - saying pretty much what I've said at the bottom of each weekly ma il ing - about where to get your items a d ve r ti sed.
I calculate it will take me more than a week to send this message to everyone on the l i st - because I don't want any other of my e m a i l accounts to be black li s ted. Anyone who sends me information expecting it to be sent out will receive a separate message from me explaining why that won't happen anymore.
For those who wonder about the weird spacing in some words - such as e m a i l - well, it's because some words are not allowed anymore.
I fully understand this - receiving thousands of unwanted messages every week is not a lot of fun. And beating my head against a brick wall - while trying to figure out why messages aren't going out "this week" almost every month or so - as companies change the rules for sending e m ai l - is also not a lot of fun. And now it's time to come to an end.
It's been a long and fun ride. Thanks for being a part of it!
Catch ya at another place and time.