
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

10 Announcements - press release

1) Wine Tasting with Rivers Edge Vineyard of Elkton
2) Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra Concert
3) Spaghetti Feast
4) Breakfast Feast
5) Umpqua Valley Audubon Field Trips
6) What's Happening at ECEC
7) CDABA Art Academy
8) Receive continuing education units with CERT class
9) Annual Sharing the Coast Conference
10) Tidepool Walk and Jellyfish Class from CoastWatch

WHAT: Wine Tasting with Rivers Edge Vineyard of Elkton
WHERE:  Mindpower Gallery 417 Fir Ave ( Hwy 38 ) Reedsport, Oregon
WHEN:     Saturday March 7th from 2-5
WHO:  Mindpower Gallery   
Contact: Tara Szalewski
The Mindpower Gallery is having its third wine tasting event this Saturday from 2- pm with Rivers Edge Vineyard of Elkton. We are looking forward to having Rivers Edge here, and having their wine for sale. They will be bringing four of their wines, 2012 pinot gris,  2009 gewürztraminer,  2011 pinot and 2011 pinot barrel select. If you have never been out to the tasting room in Elkton, or have always wanted to try their wine, this is a great opportunity! Join us Saturday and welcome them to the gallery.For more information contact Tara Szalewski at 541-271-2485.

WHAT:  Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra Concert
WHERE:  Reedsport Church of God, 2191 Birch Street, Reedsport, Oregon 97467
WHEN:  March 15, 2014, Sunday at 2:00 PM
WHO:  Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra with John Monks conducting
CONTACT: Janet Boe  at 541-271-2474 or
The Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra is very pleased to offer a concert on March 15, 2015 at the Reedsport Church of God.  The conductor for the 2:00 PM concert will be John Monks.  The title for this concert is For The Fallen.  Works performed have been written by composers lost during World War I.  Tickets are available at the door for $10.00.  Students are free. Please, come to enjoy an afternoon of chamber music.

WHAT:  Spaghetti Feast
WHERE:  Historic School #137 (Winchester Bay Community Center)
WHEN:  March 13, 2015 from $400 to 7:00.
WHO:  The Winchester Bay Community Building and Park Board
CONTACT:  Sonnia Rowe
The Winchester Bay Community Building and Park Board is sponsoring a Spaghetti Feast on Friday, March 13, 2015 to raise funds for Philip Boe Memorial Park.  All money raised goes directly toward the cost of maintaining the Park.    Included in the Feast are homemade spaghetti, salad, bread, and dessert as well as coffee or ice tea as a beverage.  Cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 tor children twelve and under.  The cost is $20.00 for a family of four or more.

WHAT:  Breakfast Feast
WHERE:  Winchester Bay Community Center at the Historic School #137
WHEN:  March 21, 2015, Saturday, from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM
WHO:  The Winchester Bay Community Building and Park Board
CONTACT:  Sonnia Rowe
The Winchester Bay Community Building and Park Board is sponsoring a Breakfast Feast on Saturday, March 21, 2015.  The Feast will be available form 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM.  The menu includes scrambled eggs, sausages, biscuits and gravy as well as all you can eat pancakes.  Juice and coffee are also included.  The cost is $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for children.  All proceeds raised go directly toward the maintenance of Historic School Building #137.

Friday, March 13, 2015, 0800-0930
We will spend an hour and a half along the east side of the two ponds, mostly looking at waterfowl, but other birds will be around as well. I expect 6 or more species of ducks, as well as Pied-billed Grebe, Double-crested Cormorant, and possibly Wilson's Snipe. Western Bluebirds, Dark-eyed Juncos, and Yellow-rumped Warblers are often around. This will be a good time for new birders who are just beginning to learn different species of ducks and other water birds, but all skill levels are welcome. Bring binoculars and field guide if you have them. Meet at the south end of the parking lot at 0800. Questions? Contact Matt Hunter 541-670-1984,
FIELD TRIP: FORD'S POND (west of Sutherlin)
Friday, March 13, 2015, 1000-1200
Ford's Pond is filling up! We will walk around the east and north sides of the pond, looking in the brush for songbirds, on the water for waterbirds, and the skies and trees for raptors. Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons are sometimes attracted to the concentrations of waterfowl. Bring binoculars, a scope, and a field guide if you have them. Meet at 1000 along the gravel shoulder on the west side of Church Rd. The road around the pond is often muddy, so boots are recommended. Questions? Contact Matt Hunter 541-670-1984,

This event is free and open to the public. 
For more information on Umpqua Valley Audubon Society events, check our website. 
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What's Happening at ECEC - We're Gearing up for Spring!
St. Patrick's Day Community Dinner
 Our popular corned beef dinner is back by popular demand!  Join us at 6:00 on Thursday March 12th to celebrate the holiday in style with friends and neighbors.  $10 per person. Reservations required by March 9th. Call 541-584-2692 to reserve your spot.
It's Seed Starting Season!
Our community is filled with knowledgeable folks, and ECEC is a great place to learn from them.  Did you know that local volunteer Mary Bernard coordinates all the starts for our vegetable garden each year?
On Saturday March 21st from 10 to 11:30 Mary will give a tour of what we're growing in the ECEC greenhouse and give a workshop on seed starting. Bring your extra veggie seeds for a seed swap.  Your $10 registration fee includes an herb or lettuce dish garden to take home. Call the ECEC office to let us know you're coming.
Spring 2015
CDABA (Coastal Douglas Arts and Business Alliance) is once again sponsoring classes, demonstrations, and other art and business related activities through its Art Academy.
For more information or to register please contact Theresa Chickering at or by calling 541 271-4608.
Each class has a minimum number of students required in order for the class to take place so please register early.
Instructor and English teacher Alexis Parrick will guide students through the creative writing process by issuing various challenges to encourage students to produce a short story each week. Assistance with technical writing skills, as well as good story telling, will be shared. Classes will be held every Monday at the Reedsport Public Library, 395 Winchester Ave. beginning March 16th and running through April 27th, 4:30 - 5:30 pm. One time registration fee of $5 and $10 per class. Participate in all class or as desired.
Play with paper and misc. craft supplies once a week in these fun and creative classes. Instructor Alexis Parrick will offer a different project each week. Examples include origami and masks. Suitable for children 10 and older, as well as adults, and all skill levels. This would be an especially good class for families. Children younger then 14 must be accompanied by a paying adult. Bring your own supplies or purchase a kit from Alexis.  Classes will be held every Friday at the Reedsport Public Library, 395 Winchester Ave. beginning March 20th and running through May 1st, 4:30 - 5:30 pm. One time $5 registration fee and $5 per class. Take them all or as desired.
Grow in your  appreciation of music by exploring different kinds (genre) and interpreting them through movement. Barbara Massey-Nino, a professionally trained musician, will lead a series of seven classes that include background information and class discussion of the music, as well as, low impact dance movements. Learn about a wonderful subject, listen to some beautiful music, and get a little physical exercise too. Genres include Folk, Country, Jazz, Rock, Classical, World, and other.
Classes will be held at the Presbyterian Church, 2360 Longwood Dr. beginning March 18th and will continue through April 29th, 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Wear comfortable clothing.
Register for the whole series of classes prior to March 18th at a cost of $25. After March 18th classes may be attended for a cost of $5 per class. Attend all the classes or as you can. Suitable for all ages 14 and up.
Join local artists Matt Belk and discover new areas of artistic expression.
Matt will share his own techniques and the working creativity exercises he's developed over many years to help students explore drawing and mixed media through mark making. Matt's 1 1/2 hours class is being offered on Saturday March 21st at 10:30 am  OR Wed March 25th at either 10:30 am OR 5:30 pm. Cost is $10 per class. Classes will be held at Mindpower Gallery, 417 Fir Ave. Bring whatever drawing supplies you have available as well as paper or other materials to draw on. All skill levels are welcome as well as all ages. Children under 14 must be accompanied by a paying adult. Check out Matt's work on his website
Local chain saw competitor Ellie Kelland will share the basics of log carving for those beginners interested in the process. Safe work habits, equipment use, required tools, basic rough shaping, and finishing techniques are examples subjects covered by the class. Students will work on their choice of bear, cannon, or mushroom.
Meet at 542 Fir, next to the Orca Gallery, on Saturday April 11th at 10 am, weather permitting. Please wear sturdy shoes, and long pants and a long sleeved shirt. Bring safety glasses if you have them.
Receive continuing education units with CERT class
Contact Person:  Terry Plotz 271-4414 or 662-0095
Through a partnership with Southwestern Oregon Community College, participants in next month's CERT Basic Training can receive Continuing Education Units. CERT has been operating for several years in the Reedsport area, but just found out about the ability to partner with SOCC. Team members are very excited to offer this ability to people who may need CEU's and want to learn more about helping themselves and their neighbors in times of disaster.
The concept of CERT was developed and implemented by the Los Angeles City Fire Department in 1985. The Whittier Narrows earthquake in 1987 underscored the area-wide threat of a major disaster and confirmed the need for training civilians to meet their immediate needs. Since that time CERT has spread across the country including a strong presence on the southern Oregon coast.
Reedsport CERT will be holding a new set of classes on Saturdays during the month of March. Designed to train neighbors how to help each other in times of emergency, the classes will cover such things as basic first aid and CPR, light search and rescue, team building, disaster psychology, basic disaster preparations, "Go Bags" and much more.
Besides learning information for personal safety, taking the classes also qualifies individuals to join the actual CERT team. They do educational programs throughout the community and assist the police and fire departments when requested. Many CERT members have also cross trained with Red Cross to help them if shelters are needed.
Anyone interested in learning more or to sign up for the March classes should call Dan or Connie Loop at 541-271-2682.

It is time for our Annual Sharing the Coast Conference. 
 From plankton to whales, from seabirds to marine debris, this year's Sharing the Coast Conference offers a wealth of information about coastal science and natural history.  The eighth annual conference, co-sponsored by CoastWatch and the Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators (NAME), takes place March 13-15 at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport.
 The conference's primary theme this year is citizen science.  Lectures, workshops and field trips will introduce participants to many ways in which volunteers can assist scientists in gathering important information about coastal and ocean resources.  While the conference is designed to provide information and training to CoastWatch volunteers who monitor the shoreline, as well as to those who teach about the coast and ocean (the members of NAME), everyone is welcome, and anyone who loves the shore and the sea will find much to inform and fascinate them.
Online registration has now begun:
Sharing the Coast commences with a Friday evening Community Talk that is free and open to all.  Marine mammalogist Sheanna Steingass will discuss efforts by scientists to learn more about our marine mammal populations, including her own research on harbor seals and coastal ecology.  Her presentation takes place at 7 p.m. in the Hennings Auditorium at the HMSC.
On Saturday morning, HMSC Director Bob Cowen will kick things off with a keynote talk on "Citizen Science and the Plankton Portal."  Saturday's other plenary session speaker will be physician and CoastWatcher Al Dohner, speaking on "The Global Problem of Marine Debris," with a special emphasis on the health impacts of plastics in the ocean.  Break-out sessions will deal with topics ranging from marine mammal and sharks to the recent Casssin's auklet die-off and monitoring for sea star wasting syndrome.  Field trips will visit tidepools, mudflats and streams.
Sunday speakers include marine mammal researcher Courtney Hann, on a citizen science project involving whales, and the Audubon Society's Paul Engelmeyer, on seabirds and marine reserves.  Break-out sessions involve "driftline ecology" (what is found on the shoreline) and a citizen science project that helps oceanographers track plankton.  Field trips will focus on geology and on citizen science practice.
The conference also features a Saturday evening party (5:30 p.m. at the Rogue Brewery in South Beach) that will feature food, libations, a visual tour of our marine reserves and the undersea habitats they shelter presented by Stacy Galleher of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the annual cutthroat trivia game.
Cost of the conference is $20 (including Saturday lunch) for members of Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition (CoastWatch's parent organization) or NAME, $40 for members of the public.  Conference-goers can join either organization if not already a member and take the discount.  Registration for Sunday only is $10.  PDU's are available for those who need them.
When mailing in your registration, please download the registration form or contact Fawn to have it sent to you.  All checks are made out to NAME, (makes my bookkeeping easier ;-) )  Mail registrations to NAME, POB 90, Seal Rock, OR 97376
Our hosts and sponsors, this year, are: the Hatfield Marine Science Center, STEM Hub, and Rogue Brewery.
For more information, go to, or contact Fawn Custer, CoastWatch's volunteer coordinator, (541) 270-0027,
Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition
P.O. Box 33
Seal Rock, OR  97376
CONTACT:  Fawn Custer, (541) 270-0027,


 The CoastWatch program invites the public to a double-barreled learning experience on Wednesday, March 11.  The free events are open to all.

Jellies, aka jellyfish, are a frequent find on the Oregon shoreline. Questions about jellies come to CoastWatch with some frequency. Scientists also have a lot of questions about jellies, concerning the increase in jellyfish "blooms."

 If you would like to learn more about these denizens of our nearshore ocean and occupants of our driftline—those that are native, and those that may be invading—join us for a fascinating presentation on all things jelly on Wednesday, March 11 in Coos Bay. Dr. Richard Brodeur will be speaking on "Jellies—More than Just Slime," in a presentation jointly sponsored by CoastWatch and the SOCC Biology Club.

 The talk takes place in Eden Hall 1 on the Southwestern Oregon Community College Campus (988 Newmark Ave. in Coos Bay) at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

 Evidence from ecosystems around the world suggests that jellyfish blooms are increasing in frequency and severity, most likely due to human activities such as overfishing, habitat modification, and species introductions. Although jellyfish have some positive benefits to humans in terms of food production and the aquarium trade, most of the impacts negatively affect human endeavors such as fishing, tourism, and power generation.

 Jellyfish expert Ric Brodeur will discuss the evidence for increasing jellyfish populations and their potential impacts from examples in several ecosystems, and attempts to control these populations or mitigate against their impacts. He will also talk about the various types of jellies that we find on our shoreline and how to identify them.

 Brodeur is a Research Fisheries Oceanographer working in the Fish Ecology Division of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, and is based in Newport. He has published on a variety of topics ranging from satellite oceanography to fish bioenergetics to fisheries acoustics, but has focused much of his research on feeding and food web interactions centering on fish. He has had a longstanding interest in jellyfish and particularly in how they interact with fish species.
Earlier in the day, CoastWatch Volunteer Coordinator Fawn Custer will guide a tidepool walk beginning at the Cape Arago State Park Gazebo at 11 a.m.  She will discuss rocky shore ecology generally, but will also provide information on the current "sea star wasting syndrome" epidemic affecting Oregon's shore, and provide information about participating in a citizen science effort to monitor sea star populations.  CoastWatch is a program of the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition, which conducts a number of citizen science projects.
 For more information about the event, contact Fawn Custer, CoastWatch Volunteer Coordinator, at (541) 270-0027, 

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WHEN:     Day of the week, Date, Time
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"Pain is inevitable.  Suffering is optional." - M. Kathleen Casey

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
"Friendship is so weird, you just pick a human you're met and you're like "Yep, I like this one" and you just start do stuff with them."