
Thursday, April 2, 2015

5 Announcements - Press Release

1) City Council meeting and Town Hall Meeting with Douglas County Commissioner
2) LUMA Community Easter Services
3) The Façade Improvement Program – a small grant program
4) What's Happening at Elkton Community Education Center
5) Workshop on Current Events and the Bible


What:  City Council meeting and Town Hall Meeting with Douglas County Commissioner (s)
Where: City Council Chambers and Community Building
When: Monday April 6, 2015 and Tuesday April 14,2015 both at 6:00 pm
Who: Reedsport Branch Library Advisory Board

The Douglas County Commissioner(s) need to hear your voice. They are coming to Reedsport Monday April 6, 2015 at 6:00 pm for the City Council Meeting and Tuesday April 14, 2015 at 6:00 pm for a Town Hall meeting. They need to hear from you regarding the budget for the Douglas County Library System which will be cut 25% for 2015-16. Our library  is very important to this community and we must make sure that it continues to serve us. Please come out and let the Commissioner(s) hear that you are concerned about this issue. Libraries are good for everyone and they need to be maintained for the betterment of the community.

Contact Ruthanne Skinner - 541-271-1215 for further information


LUMA Community Easter Services
Contact Person:  Terry Plotz 271-4414 or 662-0095

Good Friday Service
Friday April 3, at noon marks the annual LUMA Good Friday Community Church Service in Reedsport. Hosted this year by Reedsport Church of God, the service will involve members from many churches who want to remember the Passion of Christ. God 's great love for man will be highlighted through song led by the Church of God worship team, prayer, Scripture readings and a message from Pastor Terry Plotz of Reedsport Foursquare Church.

The service will last only an hour so folks can come on their lunch break. For more information contact any of the LUMA Churches or call Reedsport Church of God at 541-271-3928.

There will be no LUMA Easter Sunrise Service this year, however many area churches will be holding their own special services.


Who: Calling all business and property owners in Reedsport
What: The Façade Improvement Program – a small grant program
Where: All independently owned businesses adjacent to Highways 38 & 101
When: April 15, 2015
Buildings are the most important physical component of a business district: economically, functionally, and aesthetically. Recognizing this, the City's Main Street Program and Urban Renewal Agency (URA) have partnered to offer the Building and Façade Assistance Program to assist in preserving and enhancing this unique resource.
This program is intended to stimulate improvements to the commercial buildings by offering a matching grant program from the City's Urban Renewal District, various community organizations, and donations from community members to eligible projects. Creating a positive visual impact will enhance the City's Commercial Corridors, providing a more attractive climate for private investment and attracting new businesses.
This is a great opportunity for business and property owners adjacent to highways 38 and 101 to apply for a small grant up to $2,500 for cosmetic storefront improvements (certain restrictions apply). General eligible projects include signage, awning repair or replacement, paint, lighting, and landscaping. The funds are limited and will be spread between all three districts. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
For more information, contact Emesha Jackson at 541-271-3603 ext 217 or at You can also go online to the City's website to view the program information and resources available at – go to the Main Street Program section for the details. The application will become available April 15th on the City's website.


What's Happening at ECEC

A social month at ECEC!

Winemakers' Dinner
Come to a special dinner at ECEC featuring a gourmet meal paired with select wines from four Elkton wineries.  River's Edge, Bradley's, Anindor and Brandborg will each pour their top choices.  For this dinner only, seating is limited to 32 guests.

Thursday, April 16  6pm in the ECEC library

Reservations are required by April 10 for this dinner. Cost is $35 per person.

Info & reservations at:  541 584-2692 or click here.

Quilters' Tea!
Elkton Quilters & Friends  will host a Spring Tea on Saturday, April 25, at 2pm, in the library, to benefit ECEC. Share tea and sweets with friends and family! Fancy hats are encouraged and may be judged! Seating is limited to 60 guests so, for information or to reserve your places, call 541 584-2692  or click here.

 Calling all Elkton High School Students

Do you want to spend the summer
• Outdoors?
• Meeting new people?
• Earning money?
Come work with us!  Every summer we hire students to give tours, care for the butterflies, teach people about local history at Fort Umpqua, work in the gardens and run the Outpost Café.

Pick up an application at the high school office or at ECEC.  Applications are due by April 30, 2015.  Earn $9.25 an hour working 30 hours a week, for 6 or 12 weeks. You must be a student at Elkton Charter School and be 14-19 years old on June 12, 2015.

Our mailing address is:
Elkton Community Education Center
P.O. Box 684
15850 Highway 38 W
Elkton, OR 97436
Elkton Community Education Center


Workshop on Current Events and the Bible
Contact Person:  Terry Plotz 271-4414 or 662-0095

Dr. David Scanlon, Pastor of Bay Area Foursquare Church will be presenting a workshop at Reedsport Foursquare April 10-11. The workshop's topic, "Current Events in light of Biblical Prophecy" will seek to bring cultural, historical, economic, geographical and Biblical information into focus. Dr. Scanlon has a D. Min in theology from Bethel Graduate School of Theology and has pastored in Coos Bay for over 25 years. He will touch on historical boundaries, oil interests, blood moons, Bible prophesies and many other areas people are talking about these days.

Friday night's session will run from 6:30-9:30 and Saturday's session will go from 9-12:30. The information has been gathered over many years of study regarding the end-times as spoken of in the Bible. Dr. Scanlon's interest in current events and the complex nature of the Middle East prompted him to put this material together for a Bible study he did at his church last year. Materials will be available on an offering basis. Child care will be provided Friday night, but not Saturday. There will be several breaks. You are welcome to bring your own snacks or enjoy the ones provided by the church.

Reedsport Foursquare is located at 2900 Frontage Rd. in Reedsport. For more information you can call the church at 541-271-4414.


Please also go here to add your event to the KMTR calendar of events.

Please also go here to register to add your event to the KEZI calendar of events.

Please also free to add your events to the free events calendar page on Oregon Coast Digest's website and their fb  page!

Thank you!

If you have an announcement of interest to the general Coastal Douglas Community, and would like it to go out to this list, please include the following information and please use the format included below:


WHAT:  (The name of your event)
WHERE:  (the name of the location and the address)
WHEN:     Day of the week, Date, Time
WHO:  (what group or individuals are sponsoring the event)
Contact: (who should be contacted for further information)

Include a story telling people about your event.


I do not write or edit the press releases that are sent out - if you have questions about them, please contact the person listed as the contact for that event.

Please write "press release" in the subject line and send your information by Wednesday afternoon to (jamieswafford If my yahoo email address does not work for you - please try (pressrelease97467  please remove the space - it's to discourage s p a m harvesters.

I send the announcement out once a week - Wednesday evening - to meet press deadlines.  It's to your benefit to send the information out at least two weeks prior to your event.

Please send your information in an email that can be copy/pasted - please do NOT send attachments or pdf versions of your information or flyers.

If you wish to be removed from this list - please hit "reply" with "Remove from Press Release List" in the subject line.

If you know someone who is not receiving this list and would like to be included - please ask them to send a message to (jamieswafford or (pressrelease97467  with "Add to Press Release List" in the subject line.


"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." ~ William Jennings Bryan

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." ~ Mark Twain

"Life is too short to waste time waiting for other people's approval on how you live it." ~Steve Maraboli