
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Christmas in July - Appeal to Skilled Craftsmen

Christmas in July is gearing up for our event to begin Saturday, July 12th. Our mission is to “preserve and revitalize houses and our community, assuring that low-income homeowners, from the elderly and disabled to families with children, live in warmth, safety, and independence. In partnership with communities, our goal is to make a sustainable impact”. Craftsmen and their helpers will fan out throughout the community on July 12th to “dig into” the work that needs to be done to achieve this goal... This doesn’t happen without volunteers!
We need people who can help with home modifications, roofing, plumbing, electrical repairs and/or improvements. Do you have a skill that’s going unused? Those of us that have volunteered in past years have the satisfaction of knowing that we’ve done something positive for folks in our community, won’t you join us?
You will find the form to volunteer located in displays at merchants throughout the city. The volunteer form is white, please fill it out and send it in as soon as you can; and if you or someone you know needs help please pick up the green referral form to fill out and send in. You can also find the forms on the Christmas in July website by typing into your browser. If you have any trouble obtaining the form, please call the office at the Church of God to request one (541-271-3928).
You can also just show up at St. John’s Catholic Church (12 St Johns Way) for breakfast at 7:30 AM July 12th, where we will have forms and jobs lined up for last minute volunteers. We’re going to cook lunch for you too! Lunch will be around noon at the First Presbyterian Church (2360 Longwood Drive)! 