1) Hinsdale Garden Tours
2) Special Services at Reedsport Foursquare Church.
Hinsdale Garden Tours
When: Sat.- May 10 and on Sat.-May 24
Place: Park at Deans Creek Elk Parking Area to be transported into the garden
Time: 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Cost: none (donations appreciated)
Contact: Sue Martino (541)271-4065
Friends of Hinsdale Gardens and Bureau of Land Management will be opening the O. Howard Hinsdale Garden to the public two more dates. There were 200 people or more in the Garden for the April 26 opening.
Rain or shine, you live in Oregon, so come prepared and enjoy this beautiful English Woodland Garden on May 10 or May 24 or both if you desire. New trails and benches have been put in the garden by BLM this year.
The bus or van will take you from the Deans Creek Elk Parking Area into the garden near the home & pick you up there to go back to the parking area. Last bus going to the garden will be running at least 30 minutes prior to the 2:00 p.m. closing time and leaving the garden at 2:00 p.m. taking visitors to the parking area.
There are a couple of handicap parking spaces in the garden, but you must check in at the Deans Creek Parking Area to see if one is available before being allowed to enter the garden. The Reedsport-Dial-a-Ride Van will also be available at the parking area.
Special Services at Reedsport Foursquare Church.
Contact Person: Terry Plotz 271-4414 or 662-0095
Reedsport Foursquare will be hosting Wings of Life Services with Drs. Ron and Mariette Kussmaul, Friday through Sunday, May 16-18. Dr. Kussmaul has returned to the United States after ministering throughout Africa and Europe over the past few decades. He has ministered with such notable teachers as T.L. Osborne, Angus Buchan, Reinhart Bonnke and many others. Dr. Mariette Kussmaul is an entrepreneur, author, business leader, speaker, and coach in Africa and in the United States. She is a bundle of energy and enthusiasm that ignites passion in people to fulfill their purpose.
The Kussmaul's believe the youth of the next 2 generations will require special attention in the area of the Holy Spirit and his gifts, along with the power of healing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Ron's services combine practical Biblical principles of success and finance with the fire of God producing signs and wonders. "Lives are changed in these meetings," stresses Pastor Terry Plotz of the Foursquare church. "Ron and Marriete present the Bible in a down-to earth manner that allows the Holy Spirit to really touch our heart and mind."
In1997, Dr. Kussmaul heard the Lord saying, "Teach my people Biblical principles of finance from my Word." He was also told there was a worldwide recession coming upon the earth and to get his people out of debt preparing them for the future. Some of the information presented by the Kussmaul's will be pulled from their 'Wings of Business' teaching that has spread all across Africa. It is built upon the Ancient Wisdom of the Word of God to teach and guide people into a daily walk of excellence in business and life. These Higher Spiritual Laws of God's Word enable people to rise up and separate themselves from the bondage of debt and develop into the entrepreneurs needed for this hour.
Services and teaching sessions will be Friday (16th) at 7:00 PM; Saturday (17th) at 9:30 am & 6:30 PM; and Sunday (18th) at 10:00 am Reedsport Foursquare is located at 2900 Frontage Rd. For more information call 541-271-4414 or go to the Kussmaul's site www.kussmaulministries.org.
Reedsport Foursquare Church
2900 Frontage Rd.
Reedsport, OR 97467
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"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."- William James
"Sometimes we think to make room for someone else in our circles we have to reach out. But really, more often, we just need to step back. Because when we all step back, the circle widens. The gaps become apparent and the silence in between begs for us to hear each other. When we're not so busy pushing in to belong, we step back and behold. We find we're beloved right here with wide spaces for God to work."